Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Midnight Rendezvous

Clara stretched her wings out, fully reveling in the feeling of the night winds rushing past her body, filling the strong, powerful wings as she used them to lift herself upwards, then arc down. This was heaven! She loved absolutely everything about flying, everything! To be able to do this freely, with no one to stop her, no Agents…

Munia Gifteds. That was right- she needed to get back to them now! Hisoka had been dropped off with Camdyn and Ty, so all of that was taken care of for now. And she had to admit that for a brief moment, she had really considered staying with them. Where they were was safe, protected, some place she highly doubted Agents would ever get to.

…But… She wouldn’t be able to fly there- too cramped, too risky. So, until she, and every other Gifted, were free to stretch their wings…

Zoosh… A heavy gust of wind suddenly slammed in her, sending her tumbling through the sky, in heavy barrel roles. She yelled, forcefully spreading her wings, fighting to come out of it and straighten up.

She was so caught up in this, she didn’t see Kate, not far below. Didn’t see the trap, being leveled at her- a net gun, prepared to snag her and drag her forcefully from the sky. And by the time she had regained her grace and straightened back at, had time to look, it was already too late to stop Kate from pulling the trigger.


Akaru trotted down the hall, paws clicking on the floor, tongue hanging out and tail wagging good-naturedly behind him. He felt good today, for some reason. Better than usual. He wasn’t sure if it was just that he’d been able to get a full night of rest, or that dinner had been excellent, or merely the idea of being safe in a house with no predators anywhere in the immediate vicinity. But whatever the case, he was feeling good!

“Do yu finks it’s hangin’ strate? It luks not even tam eh.”

“Iz fine! Why you worry? Its straiter den de udders, akshully.”

A gasp. “You fink so? Den we need to fiks teh udders!”

Akaru paused, ears perking. Voices? The dog turned towards the door, frowning. The voices didn’t belong to anyone he knew, not even the old lady. Did someone else live here?

A sigh from inside. “Dun worry abouts it, Hemmie! No ones else ish as partikyulars as yu iz! Iz fine!”

“Iz not fine! Iz-“

The voices paused as Akaru nosed the door open. Akaru poked his head in, curious. An empty room, filled with shelves- a small library. No people, though. He looked from side to side, trying to find the source.

“Wat iz it?”

“Iz a goggie! Run!”

He caught a glimpse of a small shadow moving overhead. Getting a hunch, he lifted his head, about to sniff for scents-

Something grabbed him. The dog yelped as he was lifted by the scruff of his neck, pawing wildly, turning around to look. There was… no one there, holding him. But he had already begun to sniff for scents- the invisibility didn’t fool him. “Konki! What are you-“

“Well done.”

The voice. Different, but his ears picked it up immediately- there was no mistaking it. It was-

Elora smirked as she stepped around the corner. The dog was confused, worried. Easy emotions. She reached for it, expanding them, making them fill the animal’s mind.

It didn’t take long. The kicking slowed, then stopped, until finally the little beast was laying still, dull-eyed, in Konki’s grip as she flickered back into view. The assassin turned slowly, stiffly to face Elora, still lost in her own out-of-control emotions, as she held Akaru out. Elora smiled, rewarding her with mindless happiness as she reached for Akaru. “I liked you better as a bunny anyways.”

A gasp, from behind them. Elora jerked around, and caught a quick glimpse of a ragged wing disappearing around the corner. Aden…

She gritted her teeth. He was not messing this up for her! “Konki!” she yelled.

The girl blinked as she was pulled out of bliss, confused. She made a vaguely confused sound, trying to reach for thoughts, to explain what was going on.

Elora cut that off before she could become self-aware and snap herself out of it again, filling the girl’s body with rage. “Aden. He’s a threat- go get him!”

Konki was dashing forward in obedience immediately, flickering back into invisibility, dropping Akaru at her side. Elora smirked, listening to the fast footsteps dash further away, the sounds of Aden’s panicked breathing echoing through the empty halls. This was a chase she was sure wouldn’t last long.

In the meantime…

“Come,” she said, turning away. “Unfortunately, I can’t get to Tori for now- not until I figure out a way to get past that big ugly door. But there’s a whole house full of other potential meals. Let’s go find your friends, eh, mongrel?”

It was lame, but Tori’s food stores couldn’t last forever. And when she finally came out, there would be an entire army of people waiting for her. Oh yes, this was going to be quite a delicious meal indeed!

Akaru lifted his head. He winced as he got to his feet, wounded leg limping, then shook it off and followed dull-eyed after her.


Winds stirred the grass, blocking out sound. The sound was vaguely soothing to Leon’s ears, he guessed, especially combined with the swishing of the trees overhead. He supposed if he had possessed regular human flesh, the wind would have been cold, chilling. As it was, though, he didn’t feel much of anything, most of the time.

Footsteps crunched on a twig nearby.

Leon paused in running his internal systems diagnostics, the scans being run to make sure his body was functioning fully pausing. He glanced over his shoulder with a frown. “Shan?”

“Leon.” The shield gifted crossed his arms. “You wanted to talk.”

“…Yeah.” Leon turned to face him, slipping his hands into his pockets. “I think we need to talk about th-“

Dextera groaned as he accidentally brushed against her sleeping form, murmuring in her sleep.

Shan started, stepping backwards. “We agreed to meet alone.”

“Calm down, calm down! It’s just one of you freaks- her name is Dextera.”

“That’s Dextera?” Somehow, this seemed to make Shan even more distrustful.

Leon frowned. “Look. She agreed to let me drug her- she won’t wake up. She’s just a kid- a sleeping one. She’ll lay quietly, and we can talk.” He shrugged. “I need her to help me with some things right now, that’s all.”

Shan looked mistrustful, even now. “You really couldn’t have left her behind?”

“No.” Leon looked away, hands digging deeper into the pockets of his suit jacket. “…I didn’t want to leave her alone out here.”

Shan watched the sleeping girl for a moment, considering. The right-hand tool of the Captain, the person who had messed Tori up so much. An evil Gifted in so many ways. …Or maybe she was just being used, a puppet master with strings of her own. There was no way to tell, but no one could argue that she was dangerous.

…Still. Null might be dangerous, too…

He took a breath. “Fine, then. As long as she stays asleep.”

Leon smirked. “Alright. Let’s talk.”

((Here’s the update for now. Next update will be… Thursday or Friday, probably.))

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