Monday, January 24, 2011

New Allies

Teeth gritted, Leon let himself be marched forward, hating the tense grips on his arms, hating the cuffs keeping his hands behind his back, hating that they weren’t nullifying cuffs to get rid of the anger, hating this anger, that clogged his thoughts, that made him so close to attacking, that kept him from forming a plan. If he struggled, he knew they wouldn’t hesitate to fill him full of holes. He had to stay calm, but-

He felt himself shoved against the side of a shiny, red sports car- an expensive front, he knew, to hide all of the Agent tech and armor inside of it. He scowled down at the roofless thing, blinking to restore his vision… Then stirred at movement. There was something else, in the backseat. A girl, tied up, wings bound tightly to her-

Munia Gifted. His eyes narrowed, recognizing her. The one that had given him and Kate so much trouble at the waterfall. Even better, she knew Noel. And probably Alia. He watched as she raised her head to glare at him from beneath the gag, cuffed hands tensing into fists.

The ring of a cellphone distracted him from behind. Kate made an irritated sound, unclipping it from her belt and raising it to her ear.

A cellphone? Most Agents just used their watches or ear pieces to communicate- very rarely was there any use for an actual phone. He strained to turn around, to figure it out, even as the anger flooded him more strongly.

“Yes?” Kate said, sounding tense. “Kate here.”


Shan didn’t flinch as he was unceremoniously tossed down the short flight of stairs, into the darkened celler below. He crashed and rolled into everything possible on the way down, and if he had been anyone else, he probably would have broken his neck- or at least multiple other bones.

But come on.

He landed hard on an unpaved dirt floor, and picked himself up, looking up at the only source of light, coming from the small group standing at the top of the stairs. “Konki, that wasn’t very nice.”

Konki said nothing, standing beside Elora protectively, barely acknowledging that he’d even spoken.

Elora, however, was full of rage. “Why are you doing it? How are you doing it?!”

Shan blinked, standing slowly. “Doing it? …If anything, why are you doing this to me?”

“Don’t speak stupid! You know what I’m talking about! I try to make you feel one way, and you end up feeling… All the wrong ways!”

“Really? Is that what was happening?” His sudden mood swings when he was around her? Because she couldn’t control his emotions for some reason, at least, not very well… “…Hunh.” He shrugged. “I have to admit, I’m really just not a very emotional guy. Maybe that’s your problem.”

“Don’t give me that!” She clenched her fists, long, sharp nails digging into skin, breathing quickly in rage. “…If you’re going to be stubborn, and refuse to behave, then I’ll just have to put you in the corner with the others until you see sense.”


“Until then, you stay in here!” she yelled. “I’ll be back, later. One way or another, you’re going to give in- I’ll find a way to break through somehow!”

Before she could respond, the door was slamming, leaving him without light. He listened to the click of the lock, frowning. For one thing, they hadn’t even provided him with a crossword puzzle. For another, “Others,” he mumbled. “What did she…?”


He flinched at the sound, turning around. And then, he noticed it, what he hadn’t noticed before with Elora yelling at him. Thousands of eyes, on all sides, glowing in the dark as they looked down at him with slitted pupils. Shifting, moving, able to see him even though he couldn’t see them.

He shifted, getting to his knees, testing the strength of the rope around his wrists. “Hello? Who’s there?”


“Hello, Kate.”

“Marq,” Kate breathed, turning away from the others, stepping a few paces further from the car and the agents surrounding it. Again, those conflicting feelings, ordering her to feel infatuated, or disgusted. “I…uh…”

She straightened up, adopting an official tone. “Sir! We’ve succeeded in capturing Leon. He is in custody and in the process of being transferred back to the nearest base. I’m still not certain what he did with Dextera, but-“

“Nevermind the Gifted girl,” Marq said. “Our primary focus right now is on Leon. Do you have him secured tightly?”

“Yes sir,” Kate replied, keeping her tone carefully formal.

“Very good, Kate. You’ve done well. Don’t bother with transferring him- I no longer believe he can be salvaged. Your new orders are to neutralize him.”

“Neutralize him, sir?”

“Yes. For all of his remaining organic parts, he goes offline if you shut down his technological ones. I will lead you in doing that.”

“But sir-“ Kate whirled around, turning to look at her former partner. The man was still being held up against the car, his back to her. He turned his neck slowly, though, watching her, curious. Of course he would be listening in. She took a breath. “You can’t just do that to a cyborg. He could die! Even in the very best scenario, the trauma he would undergo…”

He might survive. But he wouldn’t be the Leon anyone knew afterwards. He wouldn’t be recognizable at all.

“You’re right,” Marq said thoughtfully. “In that case… I’ve changed my mind. Don’t waste time shutting him down the proper way. Just eliminate him right now.”


“No ‘but’s, Kate. I order you to execute the traitor known as Leon. When you return to base, send him to the scrappers to have his implants salvaged.” An amused pause. “And then report to my office. We have much to talk about, you and I.”

The phone clicked. The conversation was over.

Kate clenched her hand around the phone, trembling slightly. He couldn’t have really just ordered that, could he? No, she had heard him clearly. There was no doubt, what she was expected to do, what she was obligated to do now. No time for appeals, or finding loopholes, or begging-

Why do you care, anyways? You don’t care about Leon. You don’t!

“Ma’am,” one of the agents asked, “What are our next orders?”

She took a deep, steadying breath. Then, reached down for one of the semiautomatics hanging at her side. “There’s been a change of plans.”


Shan felt something brush up against him, only to be gone a moment later. He frowned in the darkness, calling again. “Who’s there? Tori? Or Null, or…” Who else hadn’t been in that room with them?

“Just me,” the creaky old voice laughed. “Well, me and all of the others.”

A distant mew echoed back at the Cat Lady from somewhere high above Shan.

“Where are we?” Shan asked, feeling around the slightly damp earth floor. “Some kind of dungeon?”

“No, silly! We’re in the food cellar. What kind of house do you think this is?” A chuckle. “Then again, we do have the impaling room, so-“


“No, Longfellow, I don’t think he’s seen that one.”

Shan struggled to get to his feet. Trapped in a basement, in the dark, with a crazy old lady and- if the sounds and smells around him were correct- way too many cats. “Let me guess. Elora threw you in here too.”

“Huh? Oh, no, dearie- I doubt she even knows I’m down here. I came down here of my own free will!”

“What? Why?”

“Well, for one thing, I needed to check on the canned beans- the supply’s getting a little low, probably have to buy some next time I go into town. But for another, it just made sense. When your shrine is under attack, you go into defensive maneuvers!”

Shrine? Something tripped him, and he fell down on top of a cat, who promptly screeched and began unsuccessfully trying to claw at his face.

Hay, buddy, watch hoo ure fallin on, eh?!

He jerked at the voice. Who else was down here?!

The woman began humming, moving things around. “But don’t you worry, son. We may be under attack, but we’re not defeated just yet. I’ve been shrine maiden here for the past eighty years- I think I know a thing or two about getting vermin out of my house.”

“Shrine Maiden?” Shan asked, rolling off of the unfortunate cat. “What does that… Aren’t you Gifted or something?”

Shrines, shrines… Old women, and cats, and-

It hit him, then. Ancient Protector of Cats, six letters. Bastet. There were places all over the world where cats were raised in large numbers like this, respected, revered. Shrines were built to them, people dedicated their lives to tending to them, it was believed that they possessed mystical powers-

“You’re not the Gifted one, are you?” he asked, feeling the pointed edge of his crossword puzzle through his jacket. “It’s your cats.”

Dis hoomanz not teh quickest wan, iz he?

I finkz he hit his head wen he fel down teh stairz.

Two different voices, this time. Not humans, he realized, feeling something furry rubbing against his leg.

“That’s right,” the old lady confirmed, much closer to him now. He felt bony hands grasping his wrists, holding something cold and hard against them. “My kittehs are very special. They protect me, I protect them, and from down here, it won’t be long before we get rid of our little invaders.” She sighed, shaking her head as something sliced through the ropes. “It’s really a shame, too. And here I thought they were such nice young kids.”

“They are,” Shan said, rubbing his freed wrists. “They’re being controlled, by one person. Don’t hurt them- they just need to be snapped out of it, I think.”

“Really? Hm, I thought it might be something like that. Some of my kittehs were in such a sad state… I suppose you know a way to make them behave?”

Shan thought about it for a moment. “…Null. She has to be somewhere in this house. Maybe they’ve got her imprisoned somewhere else. She can probably cancel this out if we can just get to her.”

“Ah, Null. I have an idea of where she might be.” The woman shifted, moving back. “Well, then, you best get moving! I’ll stay down here for now, but you should go wake up your friend. Sock can show you the way.”


Iz Socrates, thank yu very much!

“One of the best and brightest of my cats. You can trust him- he’ll protect you from whatever danger you run into. Just make sure you’re not seen!”

Shan mused for a moment over just how helpful a cat would be against Konki or Aden, then shrugged it off, getting to his feet. He had to hurry. “Alright then. Show me the way.”


Leon kept his back to Kate, staring tensely into the car as the order came. “Grab him and push him to his knees.”

He had figured as much. Drat it, Marq, I’ll get you for this.

“That won’t be necessary,” he said loudly, before the agents that had backed off could move close again.

“Oh, I think it will be,” Kate said, the slight tremor in her voice well-hid beneath taut authority. “Men-“

“It won’t be necessary, because you won’t really execute me, Kate.”

A pause, then her voice, more angry. “I most certainly will! You’re a traitor, Leon- you betrayed everyone when you left, including me! I wouldn’t hesitate to execute any other traitor, and I won’t hesitate to do it to you!”

“Yes, you would. You would hesitate to execute someone else- anyone, really, even if they weren’t me. You know how I know? Because I’ve watched you, Kate. I’ve fought alongside you. I know how you act, how you make your decisions. You’re an Agent, but you don’t like to kill- it’s not in your blood. You think too much, about how the other person feels, how they would feel as you did it. Even with Gifteds, you don’t really want them to suffer, do you? I know you don’t- every lecture you’ve ever given me about how I do my job tells me you don’t.”

He turned his neck as much as he possibly could, looking at her. “And on top of that, you won’t do it to me. Because you know me. Because we’re close. Because we’ve saved each other’s lives more times than either of us care to admit.”

Saved… No, no! She had never liked him, never wanted to be close to him, never-

His words cut through the thoughts Elora had suggested. “I know you’re angry at me because I left. But it’s not because I deserted the organization, is it?”

“Of course it is! You have no idea what you released when you left!”

“It’s not about that, and you know it.” His eyes narrowed. “It’s because I left… And I didn’t tell you. And I didn’t offer to let you come along.”

Her hand clenched around the pistol.

“And… There’s something else. Some other reason.” He scrutinized her, something odd about the way he was standing. “I haven’t quite figured it out yet. But you’re off, somehow. Something’s happened.”

“Off? I’m off? You’re the one who-!”

And then it hit Kate. He was looking at her, completely calm, despite being tied up and held at gunpoint, surrounded on all sides, in clear danger. She knew him too well- he should be furious right now, struggling wildly, yelling and threatening and not doing anything rationally. Why wasn’t he flying off the handle? It wasn’t like they’d put nullifying cuffs on-

Nullifying cuffs.

The backseat.

And the way he was standing, slightly hunched over, as though bending down to give access to something and hiding something behind him-

“Men, at alert!” she shouted, suddenly running towards him. “Leon, I swear, if you’re doing what I think you’re doing beh- nk!”

A tennis-shoed kick connected with her forehead. A fist followed it to her gut a second later, and she saw a flurry of feathers as Clara suddenly leaped out of the car, holding on to Leon for support, slicing the last of her ropes free on the jagged edge he had made in his metal cuffs. He held on to one end of her nullifying cuffs for dear life, spinning her around with one arm, catching Kate as she fell with the others, instantly in a defensive stance.

Kate felt herself go slack, the weapon falling from her hand, sputtering in pained indignation. “L…Leon you… treacherous…”

Leon scooped the weapon up, as Clara pressed her back against his, wings raised defensively. “For your sake,” she hissed, eyes trained on the Agents holding firearms on them from all sides, “You had better not be working for them, Psycho!”

“Not anymore,” Leon said, shooting her a look before pulling the limp female agent close to him and pressing the weapon to her temple. “Now,” he said, looking at the Agents all around, struggling to keep his anger under control. “If you don’t fancy losing your commanding officer, I think we’ll be leaving.”

1 comment:

  1. When I woke up this morning, completely set on putting off studying for exams as long as I could, I started doing what I do every morning; stumble out of my bedroom, sit at the computer desk, check to see if anyone's replied to my single roleplay (my roleplay life has seriously diminished)... the usual. Then, without me really noticing, my fingers began typing in something they've done every day, but today, the results were different than usual.
    Hooray! An update! I cheered in my head, then immediately started reading.
    I was halfway through the first chunk before something screamed at me to read the title again. So I scrolled up a little bit, and this time, my insides didn't even give words to scream- it was just incomprehensible joy.
    Not just an update, but new allies as well! Oh, you know how to treat your readers well, you do. Thank you~~

    I really enjoyed this one, too. Truthfully? I had completely forgot that Shan liked crossword puzzles; it took me two full seconds to remember, then I laughed. Now they have an old lady (er, goddess sounds more impressive, eh?) and a bunch of kittehs on their side- this... impending battle (if you chose to go that way for this part's climax) is going to be good... well, it's going to be good either way.

    And Leon prevails again! I don't think he'll ever be killed, or die naturally. (And if he does die, I might actually cry. He's a jerk, and immensely frustrating, but... he's LEON! He's supposed to be a frustrating jerk!) Baaarghhhh, I can't wait until Leon (and now Clara) join up with the Munia Gifteds and hide away from the Agents- though, knowing you, you'll have so many plot twists in there that it might never happen.

    Well, whatever happens, I'll be anticipating it. Thanks again!
